Abhaya Choornam
Indigestion, constipation and gas trouble.
Ardhavilwam Kashaya Choornam
Improves urinary functions, removes constipation.
Ajajipatadi Choornam
Aragwadhapathradi Choornam (Konnayilakadukadi)
Aragwadhamruthadi Kashaya Choornam
Effective for Allergic skin disorders, acid-peptic diseases.
Avalgujabeejadi Choornam
Effective for Vitiligo, leucoderma
Avipathi Choornam
Hyper-acidity, constipation, piles, scabies and toxic conditions.
Aveerabeeja Choornam
Very effective in Diabetes.
Ashta Choornam
Effective in colic pain, Indigestion, loss of appetite, abdominal parasites, especially for children.
Amruthayolepam Choornam
Effective for Raktha Vatha
Bruhathyadi Kashaya Choornam
Very effective for urinary problems
Chithrakathriphaladi Kashaya Choornam
Useful for Diabetes mellitus
Dadimashtakam Choornam
Very effective in diarrhoea, sprue, abdominal distension
Dwirutharam Choornam
Specially for colic pain, abdominal distension and dyspepsia
Dusparsakadi Kashayam Choornam
Effective for Bleeding piles.
Eladi Choornam
In dermatological diseases like scabies, pruritis causes by Vata Kapha’ and toxic conditions. For external use.
Ellumnisadi Choornam
Effective for inflammation on knees due to “Raktha Vatha’
Guloochipathradi Choornam
Effective for Gout. For external use.
Gulgulupanchapalam Choornam
Very useful in Skin diseases, fistula, ulcers.
Gruhadhoomadi Choornam
Very effective in Vatakapha and vatarakta type of swelling, pain etc. (for external use).
Hinguvachadi Choornam
Loss of appetite, indigestion, piles, low back pain, abdominal pain, abdominal distention etc.
Huthabhugadi Choornam
Effective in Anemia, piles, indigestion.
Induppukanam Choornam
Improves digestive power, helps for smooth comfortable evacuation.
Jatheelavangadi Chooram
Hic-cough, asthma, cough.
Jatamayadi Choornam
Effective for the inflammation due to Raktha Vatha.
Jeevanthee Choornam
Improves respiratory functions and general health also effective in bleeding disorders and tuberculosis.
Kapikachu Choornam
Aphrodisiac, also effective in parkinsonism and convulsions
Karpooradi Choornam
Cough, asthma, loss of appetite
Kalyanavaleham Choornam
Promotes intelligence and memory. Effective in Las speech, Aphasia, Taste lessness.
Khadiradi churna
Indicated in worms, Kushta for Internal and External use
Kolakulathadi Choornam
Very effective in pain in the joints, Stiffness and swelling for external use as lepa or potli sweda.
Kokilaksha Kashaya Choornam
Rheumatic complaints especially for Gout
Kottamchukkadi Choornam
For inflammation due to Rheumatism, pain and swelling.
Lakshadi Choornam
For cough, breathing difficulty, hiccough.
Lodhradi Choornam
For pimples and acne For external application on face.
Lodhradi Choornam
Specially indicated in poisoning due to spiders or similar creatures.
Externally the powder is applied in the affected areas as paste (lepam)
Mulgadi Choomam
For usage in dermatological affections as bathing powder
Musthamruthadi Choornam
Very effective in skin diseases like scabies, pruritis etc.For external use.
Narayana Choornam
Abdominal distension, ascites, dropsy, persistent diarrhoea, cough, anaemia.
Nasika Choornam
Sinusitis and headache.Dose: Small quantity as an inhalant.
Nichuladi Choornam
In all inflammatory swellings as external application (lepa). Specially useful for swelling occuring in neck region.
Nimbadi Choornam (Nimbaharidradi)
Chiefly for Dermatological disorders like scabies, ring worm, eczema etc.
Nisamalaka Choornam
Effective for Diabetes mellitus.
Ooshakadi Choornam
Oliguria, dysuria, urolithiasis, flatulence etc.
Padmakadi Choornam
An effective Galactogogue, aphrodisiac (improve sperm count) and geriatric nourishments.
Patoladi Choornam
Effective for Kaphapitta kushta (oozing and inflammatory skin lesion), visha (toxicity), Kamila (jaundice) and Jwara (fever)
Panchagandhadi Choornma
In sleeplessness, Head-ache and Insanity
Pancharavindam Choornma
Relieves weakness of the mind and body, promotes strength and stamina and a fine aphordisiac
Pathyadi Kashaya Choornam
Fever, upper respiratory tract infections, tonsillitis and pain in loins.
Prapoundareeikadi Choornam
Effective for burning sensation, Visarpa, inflammation, pain due to Raktha Vatha etc.
Punarnavayolepam Choornam
Very effective in Dropsy and Anaemia
Pushyanuam Choorrnam
Leucorrhoea, piles, diarrhoea and bleeding especially uterine bleeding.
Rasnadi Choornam
Useful in all Catarrhal infections, typhoid and other similar fever, headache etc. For external use.
Rajanyadi Choornam
Diarrhoea, sprue especially for children
Rakthachandanadi Choornam
Clears black patches on face and gives complexion (For external use)
Shankhpushpi Churna
Improves the intelligence and memory power.
Sasanka Choornam
Leucorrhoea, burning sensations.
Shaddarana Choornam
Anaemia, gout, piles, dropsy.
Sidharthaka Snana Choornam
Good for using as a bathing powder in cases of skin diseases. It can also be used externally as lepam in skin disorders. Especially to resume the discolouration caused by healed skin lesions.
Sarasijadi Choornam (Sarasijamakarandadi)
Effective for excess uterine bleeding.
Sundhee Baladi Kashaya Choornam
Effective in the cases of Numbness due to Rheumatic and Neurological Problems.
Saraswatha Choornam
Effective to improve IQ and memory and also act as anti poisonous.
Thakrarishta Churna
Promotes digestion, improves appetite, useful in Piles.
Thaleesapathradi Choornam
Cough, asthma, improves digestion and helps expectoration
Effective for painful conditions in vatarakta due to imbalance of Tridosha.
Brihat Triphala Choornam
A fine Laxative.
Vara Choornam (Thriphala Choornam)
A fine remedy in ophthalmic diseases.
Thwageladi Choornam
Effective for Hoarseness of sound, cough and asthma.
Ulpala Choornam
Initiates hair growth
Upanaha Choornam
Effective in Rheumatic oedema and spasmodic contractions of the limbs (For external use).
Uthama Choornam
(Chorea, dystonia etc.) Hrdroga (Heart disease), Swasa (Dyspnoea).
V.T. Powder (Tooth Powder)
Very effective in dental diseases, etc.
Vachayashtyadi Choornam
Speech disorders especially of children
Varshabhwadi Choornam
Effective for localised Oedema.
Vaiswanara Choornam
Promotes digestion, also a fine laxative.
Vidaryadi Choornam
Improves general health, effective in cough and breathlessness, flatulence, body pain and diseases caused by vata pitta.
Vilangadi Kashaya Choornam
Effective for abdominal parasites
Vrukshadanyadi Kashaya Choornam
Very effective in urinary disorders and swelling all over the body.
Vyoshadi Choornam
Prakshepdravya of Tilakwada for Menstrual disorders like Amenorrhoea.
Yavaloha Choornam
Checks obesity.
Yavanyadi Choornam
Effective for Diarrhoea, cough, loss of appetite.