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Avalguja Beejadi Gulika

For  ‘Swithra’. To be applied externally.

Balamrutham Gulika (Rajanyadi)

Effective in children’s diseases like sprue, fever, diarrhoea etc.

Chandraprabha Gulika

Urino-genital disorders, diabetes.

Chukkumthippalyadi Gulika

Typhoid, Malarial fever and other types of fevers.

Dasangam Gulika

Effective for all insect bites and allergic conditions.

Dugdha Vati

Useful for Allergic Swelling, heart and kidney troubles.

Doosheevishari Gulika

For allergy and other toxic conditions.

Dhanwanthari Gulika

Effective for Cough, hiccough, vomiting.

Gopeechandanadi Gulika

Very effective in children’s diseases.

Gorochanadi Gulika

Effective for Typhoid, cough, hiccough.

Grahanyanthakam Gulika

Useful in Diarrhoea, chronic sprue and Intestinal parasites.

Hinguvachadi Gulika

Loss of appetite, indigestion, piles, low back pain, abdominal pain, abdominal distention etc but more effective in abdominal pain

Jatheemukuladi Varthi

Effective in Eye diseases.

Karutha Gulika (Sirastodadi)

 In severe head-ache lymphadenopathy.

Kachooradi Vattu

Sleeplessness, Insanity. Head-ache (for external only).

Kathakadi Gulika

 Effective for diabetes.

Kutajaphanitham Gulika

Useful in Diarrhoea and bleeding piles.

Kaisoragulgulu Gulika

Very effective in skin disease, gout and chronic ulcers

Mandoora Vatakam

Very effective in jaundice, anaemia.

Manasamitra Vatakam

Effective for Epilepsy, weakness of memory, mania etc.

Mukhakanthi Vatika

Removes pimples and scars.

Navayasam Gulika

Effective for anaemia and cardiac problems.

Pathooralmarmani Vattu

Abcess, boils and burns etc. For external use

Pulimkuzhambu Gulika

Useful in Post-natal diseases.

Swasanandam Gulika

Effective in Bronchitis, asthma and cough.

Sanjeevani Vati

Useful for Typhoid, coma, hiccough.

Saraswatha Mathra

Improves memory power and intelligence especially for infants.

Shaddaranam Gulika

Anaemia, gout, piles, dropsy. But more effective to relieve swelling.

Sidharthakadi Gulika

 Useful for Insanity, coma etc.

Sooryaprabha Gulika

 Influenza, cough, asthma.

Sethubandham Gulika

Very effective for dysentery, diarrhoea etc.

Vilwadi Gulika

Cholera, Indigestion, insect bites and toxicity.

Vettumaran Gulika

Intermittent fever, malarial fever, indigestion etc.

Yogarajagulgulu Gulika

Rheumatism, abdominal disorders, piles, gout.

Vayu Gulika

For gas trouble.

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