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Adaareesahacharadi Kashayam

Very effective in all types of rheumatic diseases especially which affect the lower part of the body.

Amruthotharam Kashayam

Very effective in all types of fevers like slow fever, Rheumatic fever, Intermittent Fever, toxic fever etc. and also a fine laxative.

Amruthadwithayam Kashayam

Effective remedy for Oedema, ascites, skin diseases, anaemia. It also produces mild laxation.

Aragwadhamruthadi Kashayam

Skin diseases and acid-peptic diseases.

Ashtavargam Kashayam

 In all types of rheumatic disorders.

Abhaya Pippalalee Mooladi Kashayam

Very effective in fevers.

Bhadra Darvadi Kashayam

Effective in rheumatic and neurologic conditions.

Balaajeerakadi Kashayam

Very effective in cough and asthma.

Bhadradi Kashayam

For Hiccoughs and Vayu Kshobha.

Balasathavaryadi Kashayam

Useful in Raktha Vatha with pain.

Chandanaparpatakadi Kashayam

Boils, erysipelas, skin diseases.

Chiruvilwadi Kashayam

Very useful in piles, indigestion, fistula.

Chithrakagrandhikadi Kashayam

Effective for Colic pain, flatulence, constipation, loss of appetite etc.

Dasamoola Katuthrayam Kashayam

Promotes expectoration by liquifying accumulated phlegm and relieves cough. Also indicated in cold, asthma. Hoarseness of sound and pain in the throat.

Dasamoolam Kashayam

Effective for cough, fever, cold, head-ache and rheumatic conditions.

Dasamoola Rasnadi Kashayam

Useful in inflammatory joint disease, Rheumatoid arthritis with oedema and pain.

Dhanwantharam Kashayam

Very effective in rheumatic disorders, Promotes strength and useful in post natal diseases.

Dhanadanayanadi Kashayam

Effective for facial palsy, convulsions due to the derangement of vatha.

Drakshadi Kashayam

Very effective in fevers, vomiting, jaundice, weakness in general, hemoptysis.

Dusparsakadi Kashayam

Very effective in painful piles.

Elakanadi Kashayam

Tuberculosis, asthma, cough, general debility.

Gulguluthikthakam Kashayam

Efficacious in all Rheumatic disorders, ulcers, gout and skin diseases.

Gandharvahasthadi Kashayam

Rheumatic ailments in general. A fine laxative

Guluchyadi Kashayam

Fever, vomiting and promotes appetite.

Indukantham Kashayam

Very effective in Rheumatic ailments, emaciation, intermittent fever, abdominal pain and promotes stamina.

Katukamalakadi Kashayam

A fine Laxative

Kokilakshakam Kashayam

Effective in reducing uric acid level, Gout, Rheumatoid arthritis.

Kalasakadi Kashayam

Very effective in indigestion, cholera, fever etc.

Kanasathahwadi Kashayam

For menstrual disorders.

Lasunairandadi Kashayam

For vrudhi, gulmam, aanaham, mahodaram etc.

Lodhradi Kashayam (Ganam)

For medo dosham, yoni dosham and visham.

Mahathikthakam Kashayam

Very effective in skin diseases like scabies, leucoderma, pruritus, psoriasis, acne, and fistula.

Maharasnadi Kashayam

Hemiplegia, frozen shoulder, sciatica, hydrocele and hernia.

Manjishtadi Kashayam (Brihat)

Skin diseases like ache, scrofula, boils etc. caused by impure blood.

Mrudweekadi Kashayam

 For mania, thirst, fainting.

Mehari Dravakam

 Useful in diabetes.

Musalee Khadiradi Kashayam

Effective for Vaginal discharges especially leucorrhoea excessive bleeding etc.

Nayopayam Kashayam

Asthma, cough, Hiccough

Bruhat Nayopayam Kashayam

For cardiac problems and breathing difficulties.

Nimbadi Kashayam

Effective for for skin diseases and boils.

Nisakathakadi Kashayam

Effective for Diabetes.

Nisothamadi Kashayam

Useful for skin diseases caused by ‘Kapha’ and ‘Pitha’

Nirgundiadi Kashayam

Effective for worms and abdominal parasites.

Pachanamrutham Kashayam

In various types of fevers.

Panchathikthakam Kashayam

Skin diseases, rheumatic disorders, osteoarthritis etc.


All types of headache, tooth ache, ear ache etc.

Punarnavadi Kashayam

Very effective in anaemia with fever, dropsy, dyspnoea etc.

Patoladi Kashayam

Useful in toxic fever condition, Jaundice and skin diseases like scabies, pruritis etc.

Patolamooladi Kashayam

Very effective in skin diseases like acne, scrofula, boils etc.

Pathya Punarnnavadi Kashayam

Effective for oedema and raktha vatha.

Prasaranyadi Kashayam

Effective for all types of rheumatic conditions especially in upper limbs.

Rasnadi (Rasneirandadi) Kashayam

In acute rheumatism.


Very effective in feeling of fullness in stomach, Nausea etc.

Rasnasapthakam Kashayam

Effective for back pain, pain on thighs and vertebral column etc.

Rasonadi Kashayam

Useful in chest pain, asthma, indigestion, anorexia

Sapthasaram Kashayam

Corrects irregular menstruation, promotes appetite, useful in abdominal pain, constipation etc.

Saptha Chadadi Kashayam (Gandoosham)

For mouth infections, stomatitis etc.

Sahacharadi kashayam

Rheumatic disorders like sciatica, lumbago, neuralgia ete

Sathavari Chinnaruhadi Kashayam

Effective for Raktha vatha and raktha pitha.

Sukumaram Kashayam

Corrects the function of excretory and digestive system

Sundheebaladi Kashayam

Effective for Supthavatha (sensory neuropathy).


Amenorrhoea, oligomenorrhea and other menstrual irregularities.

Thikthakam Kashayam

Effective for scabies and dermatological problems.

Thrinapanchamooladi Kashayam

Poly uria, urinary incontinence…

Varanadi Kashayam

Effective for obesity, headache, internal abscess and all kapha meda vikara.

Vasaguluchyadi Kashayam

Very effective in anaemia, jaundice, “Raktha Pitha’.

Vidaryadi Kashayam

Useful in gas troubles, bronchitis, cough emaciation, body ache etc.

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