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Agasthya Rasayanam

Cough, asthma, improves strength and stamina,

Amrutha Rasayanam

Indicated in asthma, cough and other respiratory problems.

Ajamamsa Rasayanam

A fine nourishing tonic. Also indicated in cough and Asthma.

Aswagandhadi Leham

Cough, asthma and Tuberculosis. Checks wasting diseases.

Brahma Rasayana

Builds body, improves memory power, body strength and also useful in sexual debility.

Chinchadi Leham

Anaemia, Jaundice, dropsy, loss of appetite.


A geriatric tonic effective in cold, cough, asthma, heart disease, emaciation, memory loss, loss of body strength and also useful in sexual debility.

Dasamoola Rasayanam

Asthma, cough, hiccough Dose: 5 to 10g.


Genitourinary diseases, dropsy, anaemia, tones up the digestive and excretory systems.


Piles, dropsy, abdominal distension, toxic conditions and also effective for clearing and toning up of the excretory systems

Draksha Leham

Very effective in anaemia and jaundice.

Gomutra Haritaki

Very efficacious in piles, skin disease, dropsy and intestinal worms.


Allergic respiratory and skin disorders.

Hrudyavirechanam (Trivril Leham)

An effective purgative medicine without any bad taste.


Effective in fistula, piles and diabetes. Promotes smooth evacuation and also effective in sexual debility.

Koosmanda Rasayana

Bronchitis, haemoptysis and general debility.


Leucorrhoea, fistula, piles, anaemia, diabetes

Kurinji Kuzhambu

Very effective for back pain during postnatal period.

Madhusnuuhee Rasayanam (Valiya)

In all types of dermatological disorders, diabetes and fistula. Good blood purifier

Madanamodakam Leham

An effective aphrodisiac and good health tonic.

Manibhadra Leham

A fine laxative in all types of skin disease and intestinal parasites.

Nayopayam Leham

A fine laxative


Very effective in all types of Gynaecological diseases.


Vomiting, nausea, indigestion.

Sukumara Rasayanam

Colic pain, loss of appetite and genitourinary diseases. Effective for induce and regulates menstruation.



Vilwadi Lehyam

Nausea, vomiting, indigestion, loss of appetite.

Vyoshadi Vatakam

Asthma, cough, hiccough and in all diseases of the nose.

Vidaryadi Leham

A fine nourishing tonic, very effective in cough, asthma, diseases due to deranged vata and pitta, emaciation, gas trouble, body ache etc.

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