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Oils & Kuzhambu

Anu Thailam (For Nasya)

Very useful in sinusitis, Headache, Premature greying of hair and other naso-allergic disorders.

Amrutadi Thailam

Useful in gout, excessive perspiration, burning sensation in the limbs and headache.

Arimedadi Thailam

Very effective in neuralgia, tooth-ache, and other mouth and throat diseases.

Asana Manjishtadi Thailam/Coconut Oil

Very useful in diseases of the eyes and ears by applying the oil over the head.

Asanavilwadi Thailam / Coconut Oil

It is very effective in disease of the head, eye, ear and catarrhal affections.

Asaneladi Thailam/Coconut Oil

Very effective in skin diseases like scabies, pruritus dandruff etc.

Asaneladi Yamakam

Very effective than the above especially for dandruff and falling of hair.

Ashtapathradi Thailam/Coconut Oil

Very effective in skin diseases especially of children.

Arukaladi Thailam

Very useful in jaundice and headache.

Balaguluchyadi Thailam / Coconut Oil

Very effective in rheumatoid arthritis and burning sensation of the body.

Bruhat Balaguluchyadi Thailam

Very effective in rheumatoid arthritis and burning sensation of the body.

Cheriya Balaguluchyadi Thailam

Very effective in catarrhal affections, headache and burning sensation of the limbs.

Bala Thailam

For rheumatic disorders like paraplegia, sciatica, Lumbago, gout, neuralgia (for external and internal use).

Cheriya Bala Thailam

Very effective for rheumatic disorders in general.

Dhatryadi Thailam

Useful in diseases of head especially head-ache and also gives cooling effect to the eyes.

Balaswagandhadi Thailam/Kuzhambu

Checks wasting disease, mania, cough and effective for building a strong body.

Balahatadi Thailam/Coconut Oil

Very effective in Headache.

Bhujagalathadi Thailam/Coconut Oil

Promotes growth of hair, cures headache and itches on the Head.

Bhoonimabadi Thailam

 Very effective in thyroid enlargement and Tonsillitis,

Bhela Thailam

Useful in neurological disorders.

Bhringamalakadi Thailam

Useful in sleeplessness, burning sensation of head.

Bruhat Bhringamalakadi Thailam

Same as above but more effective.

Chandanadi Thailam

Very useful in mania, burning sensation of the body, sleeplessness and loss of memory.

Chemparuthyadi/ Coconut Oil

 Very useful in skin diseases especially of children.

Chettipushpadi Thailam / Coconut Oil

 Very useful in skin diseases especially of children.

Chinchadi Thailam/Kuzhambu

Useful in all types of rheumatic diseases, especially inflammatory joint disease.

Darunaka Thailam

 Very effective in dandruff and other skin diseases.

Dasamoola Maruthani Thailam

 It is effective in various types of skin diseases.

Dinesavalyadi Thailam/Coconut Oil

Very useful in scabies, psoriasis and other dermatological infections.

Durvadi Coconut Oil

 Very effective in skin diseases of children especially scabies, ulcers, eczema.

Durvadi Yamakam

Very effective in skin diseases.

Dhanwantharam Thailam / Kuzhambu/Avarthi/ Mezhupakam

Very effective in paralytic disorders and also for women in pregnancy stage and postnatal care. It is also beneficial in post traumatic cases

Avarthi and Mezhupakam for internal and Thailam and Kuzhambu for external use.

Dhanwantharam Mukkoottu

It is used in rheumatic diseases (For external use only).

Dhurdhoorapathradi Thailam

Very effective in dandruff

Ettenna Mukkoottu

Can be used for all types of rheumatic disorders.

Erandasigruadi Thailam.

It is very useful in diseases of the ears (can be used as ear drops).

Erandasukumaram Thailam

 It clear the bowel, tone up the digestive and coach system, relieves pain in the genitals.But more laxative effect (for internal use).

Eladi Thailam/Coconut Oil

 It is used for eczema, catarrhal infections and skin allergy.

Gandharvahastha Thailam

Very effective in rheumatic diseases, as a laxative.

Gulguluthikthakam Thailam

Useful in rheumatism, neoplasms, catarrhal inflammation, diseases of teeth and gum etc.

Gulgulu Marichadi Thailam

Very effective in skin diseases like Scabies, Pruritus etc.

Gopatmajadi Keram

 It is used for burning sensation, psoriasis, scabies,pruritus etc.

Hingutrigunam Thailam

Very efficacious in hydrocele. colic, piles and constipation, as laxative.

Jathyadi Coconut Oil

 Very effective as a healing agent in all types of wounds and ulcers.

Kanjunnyadi Thailam/Coconut Oil

It is very useful in head-ache, premature greying of hair and diseases of the eyes and teeth.

Karnapura Thailam (Ear drops)

 Very effective for pain and pus in the ears.

Karappan Thailam

Very effective in skin diseases of children.

Karpasasthyadi Thailam/Kuzhambu/Mezhupakam

Useful in neurological complaints, rheumatic pain, paralysis, periarthritis shoulder, Facial Palsy and cervical spondylosis. Thailam is for applying over the head, Kuzhambu is for external use over the body and Mezhupakam is for internal use. Also used for Vasthi.

Kethakeemooladi Thailam/Kuzhambu

 Specially indicated in Vatha vitiated conditions in bones (cervical spondylosis, osteoarthritis etc.)

Kesaranjini Thailam

Useful in Premature greying and falling of hair.

Kottamchukkadi Thailam/Kuzhambu

Very effective in acute Rheumatic disorders.

Bruhat Kottamchukkadi Thailam

More effective than the above especially for gout.

Kayathirumeni Thailam

Very effective in Sprains, dislocations and fracture.

Karpooradi Thailam

It suppresses swellings and removes pain and be inflammation in joints.

Khajitha Pinda Thailam

Useful in Raktha Vatham with fever, burning sensation and pain.

Kshara Thailam

Used as ear drops in diseases of ear.

Ksheerabala Thailam/Avarthi

In all types of rheumatic disorders, neurological debility, hypertension, insomnia and rheumatoid arthritis. It is good for internal and external use. 

Kumkumadi Thailam

Very effective in dark circles around the eyes, blackheads, pigmented skin, scar etc. Usage as Nasya.

Lakshadi Thailam/Coconut Oil

Mania, catarrhal affections, emaciation. Coconut Oil is good for children.

Likucha Thailam

Very effective in rheumatic oedema of knee and ankles.

Lomasathana Thailam

Very effective in removing unwanted hairs.

Madhuyashtyadi Thailam/Mezhupakam

Very effective in rheumatoid arthritis. Mezhupakam is good for Nasya and Mathravasthi.

Maricha Thailam

 Very effective in Tonsillitis, cold and cough.

Manjishtadi Thailam

 Very effective for burning sensation of head and eyes.

Mahamasha Thailam

Very effective in paralytic and neurological disorders.

Masha Saindhava Thailam

Effective in spasticity of limbs and muscle cramps.


 Useful in rheumatic diseases.


 Very effective in cuts, wounds, fractures and dislocation.

Nagaradi Thailam

Very effective in diseases of head, teeth and gums.

Narayana Thailam

Ref: Sarangadhara Samhitha

Very effective in diseases like paraplegia, sciatica and rheumatoid arthritis. (For external and internal use).

Valiya Narayana Thailam (Maha Narayana Thailam)

Ref: Bhaishajya Ratnavali

More effective than the above in all rheumatic diseases, diseases of Head, psychic disorders and infertility.(For external and internal use.)

Nalpamaradi Coconut Oil/Kuzhambu

Ref: Sahasrayogam

It is used for diseases like scabies, pruritus, eczema.

Nisosiradi Thailam

Ref: Sahasrayogam

Very effective in diabetic carbuncle.

Nishkalkan Thailam

Very effective in all types of headache.

Nirgundyadi Thailam

Ref: Sahasrayogam

It is used in tonsillitis and chronic inflammation of ear.

Bruhat Nirgundyadi Thailam

Ref: Patent

It is used in tonsillitis and chronic inflammation of ear.

Nimbamruthadi Castor Oil/Mezhupakam

Ref: Patent

Very effective in rheumatic diseases and skin diseases as external application. Mezhupakam internally an effective laxative in the same conditions.

Neelibringadi Thailam/Coconut Oil

Ref: Sahasrayogam

A very fine hair tonic. Useful in falling of hair, dandruff and headache.

Neeli Thailam

Ref: Patent

Very effective in allergic urticaria and skin diseases.

Nonganadi Thailam

Ref: Sahasrayogam

Very useful in filariasis. For external and internal use.

Panchavalkadi Yamakam

Ref: Sahasrayogam
Very effective in diseases caused by impure blood.


Ref: Patent

Frozen shoulder, lumbago, paraplegia, fractures and sprains. Very effective in numbness and other rheumatic pains.

Patola Kera Ghrutham

Ref: Patent

For skin diseases especially allergic conditions.

Patoladi Coconut Oil

Useful in skin diseases like scabies, acne etc.


Ref: Sahasrayogam

Very effective in monoplegia of the hand and Elbs’ paralysis.

Paranthyadi Thailam

Ref: Patent

In all types of disease caused by impure blood and persistent ulcers after snake bite.

Pinda Thailam

Ref: Ashtangahrudayam

Very effective in rheumatoid arthritis.

Bruhat Pinda Thailam

Ref: Patent

Very effective in rheumatoid arthritis.. Especially good for itching and reddishness due to rheumatoid arthritis.

Pinnyaka Thailam

Ref: Sahasrayogam

 Useful in catarrhal infections, diseases occuring due to Kapha and Vata.

Pippalyadi Thailam

Ref: Sahasrayogam

 For vasthi in piles, constipation, backache, difficulty for micturition, hernia etc.

Pundareeka Thailam

Ref: Sahasrayogam

Very effective in head-ache and premature greying of hair.

Prabhanjana Vimardanam Kuzhambu/Thailam

Ref: Sahasrayogam

In all types of rheumatic diseases like paraplegia, sciatica, neuralgia etc.

Prasarini Thailam

Ref: Ashtangahrudayam

Very effective in monoplegia of the Hand and other rheumatic conditions.

Rasa Thailam

Ref: Patent

Very effective for headache, neck pain and in various rheumatic conditions.

Rasnadi Thailam

Ref: Chikitsakramam

Useful in all diseases of head, ear, nose, facial paralysis, rheumatoid arthritis and the disease caused by vitiated raktha and pitta.

Sathadhara Thailam

Ref: Ashtangahrudayam

In all types of skin diseases including leprosy.

Sathapaka Thailam

Ref: Ashtangahrudayam

 Very effective in chronic rheumatism for external and internal use.

Sathahwadi Thailam

Ref: Ashtangahrudayam

 Very useful in rheumatic diseases like lumbago, Neuralgia etc. as vasthi.


Ref: Sahasrayogam 

Rheumatic diseases like sciatica, paraplegia, neuralgia and lumbago etc.It can be used internally and externally.

Sahacharadi Thailam/Kuzhambu / Mezhupakam/Avarthi

Ref: Ashtangahrudayam

Very effective in all types of Rheumatic diseases especially affected in the lower extremities, Lumbago, Varicose veins, Mental disorders etc. (Mezhupakam and avarthy internally and Thailam and Kuzhambu externally).

Surasadi Thailam            

Ref: Ashtangahrudayam

 Very effective in dandruff, scabies, sinusitis etc,

Supthi Thailam                 

Ref: Patent

Very effective in numbness of the body                             

Thungadrumadi Thailam                         

Ref: Sahasrayogam

Keeps the head cool and induces sleep. Very effective in headache, insomnia and other catarrhal diseases due to increased pitta.

Thenginpushpadi Thailam                       

Ref: Patent

It gives a cooling effect to head and eyes. Effective in burning sensation of Rheumatoid arthritis.

Thekaraja Thailam/Coconut Oil     


Very useful in bronchitis and cough.

Thriphaladi Thailam/Coconut Oil      

Ref: Sahasrayogam

It is useful in Eye diseases, head-ache and improves growth of hair

Uthama Thailam               

Ref: Patent

Best in neurological ailments especially related to head, sinusitis and catarrhal infections.

Vachadi Thailam              

Ref: Sahasrayogam

Very effective in ear diseases.

Varanadi Thailam            

Ref: Ashtangahrudayam

Very effective in head-ache, Rheumatoid arthritis, internal abscess etc.

Vajrakam Kuzhambu     

Ref: Ashtangahrudayam

Very useful in skin disease like acne, chronic and indolent ulcers.

Vilwampachottyadi Thailam                     

Ref: Sahasrayogam

For all types of diseases of the head. It also gives cooling effect to head and eyes.


Ref: Patent

Useful in back ache. To be taken with Milk.

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